Vinqui (VQ) makes jewelry and other personal products to celebrate the sacrifices we make to achieve our goals. VQ rewards us back for all the desserts we skipped, the parties we missed, and the full night’s sleep we rarely get. VQ makes jewelry for us, for our teammates, our spouse, our mentors and our family. It’s about letting others know that without we there is no me. It’s about them never giving up on us, whatever the odds.

VQ does not make the trophies for the top finishers; VQ makes the jewelry that rewards the rest of us. This is because VQ understands that we have already won. We have given everything we have, leaving nothing to regret and no matter where everyone else ends up, we have arrived… at our personal summit.


If you have any questions regarding Vinqui and our products, please feel free to contact us.

email: info@vinqui.com

Vinqui Ltd
Unit 1002 Tower A
Hunghom Commercial Center No. 39
Ma Tau Wai Road
To Kwa Wan
Hong Kong

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